The second son of George Mark and Kathryne Elliott, I have been a non-denominational Bible believer from my youth. I graduated from the Cincinnati Bible Seminary with a Bachelor of Sacred Literature degree in 1953. That education was furthered at NY University, City College of NY, University of Cincinnati, Hunter College, and Abilene Christian College, in addition to continuous private in-depth study of the Bible.

In 1953, the Hicksville, NY, church of Christ ordained me for Christian ministry, and in 1977, the Northboro, MA, church of Christ ordained me as an evangelist to Central America. During fifty-plus-years of ministry, the Lord used me to establish churches in New York City, El Salvador, Puerto Rico, and Guatemala. I taught college-level classes on Bible prophecy and other topics in New York City; Elmira, NY; and Minsk, Belarus. Now, 12/2024, at 93 years of age, I continue in ministry, still doing some writing plus a little preaching and teaching.
Margaret (Briggs) and I were joined in matrimony in 1951 and had reached 64 years together when she went to be with Jesus in September of 2015. We have 4 children, 10 grandchildren, and 23 great-grandchildren.
In the 1960s, I began to study and teach Bible prophecy, especially Daniel and Revelation. In 1996 I wrote an article “Why Study Prophecy?” for the quarterly publication The Sword and Staff. This became the first in a series about Bible prophecy that continued through 2002. In the fall of 1998, I began “Insight into Bible Prophecy,” a semi-monthly email newsletter utilizing old writings as well as new material. Within a year of initiating Insight, I began archiving all the Insights online. Through the years, various Insights have been republished by others in their periodicals, pamphlets, and websites.
Several times requests came that the writings be put into book form. To accomplish this, I revised much of the older material and added whole sections that had not previously appeared in print. As a result, Nobody Left Behind: Insight into “End-Time” Prophecies was published in 2004 and went through several printings. It is still available as print-on-demand from Amazon.
In the spring of 2013, I decided it was time for a change. While predictive prophecy is a very important (and often misunderstood) part of the Bible, it is just that – a part. I decided to start offering my insights into various other Bible topics. Because of a wider range of subject matter, there was also a change in the name of the series: Insight into Bible Truth.
I have previously credited both family members as well as brothers and sisters in Christ for their valuable aid in my work. For the ongoing assistance in writing the Insights and developing the website, I am especially indebted to Margaret, to our son David and his wife Lois, to Frank Burough, and to Keenan Rhea. May it all be for the glory of God and His Son Jesus.