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Insight #22 — Are You Prepared?

October 20, 1999.

The question is not if you are prepared for Y2K. It is not if you are prepared for the next terrorist attack. It is not if you are prepared for the collapse of civilization due to over-pollution, over-population, and over-production. No. These are not the real concerns.

“Prepare to meet your God!” (Amos 4:12). Prepare for death. Prepare for the Second Coming. Prepare for the Judgement. Prepare for Eternity. The disasters in the first paragraph “appeal” to the flesh. The disasters/blessings in this paragraph are concerns of the spiritually minded.

But what does preparation mean? To many, it’s a matter of “pushing” people to hurry up and get ready because Jesus may return today. Of course, this is partly true. However, have you ever realized what the real problem of the five foolish virgins was?

The message of the Parable of the Ten Virgins is not so much to “get” ready as it is to “stay” ready. The problem for the five foolish virgins is that “the bridegroom was delayed” (Matthew 25:5). Delayed! The five foolish virgins had sufficient oil for the short haul. But they were not prepared for the long haul. They didn’t have what it takes to “keep on keeping on.”

The message of the ten virgins is not to get ready for Jesus’ coming in the year 2000 only to slack off when He fails to come. The message is to always stay ready no matter how much longer He may be delayed.