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Insight #73 — Convert Swords into Plows

September 21, 2001.

September 11, 2001. The head swirls. Who can take it all in? Our hearts go out to the victims’ families. And now, Arab Americans are victims of extremists in the USA. We are all victims: many say that life will never be the same. What does it all mean? What does God’s prophetic Word say? More than you may realize.

For example, a few days before our Lord ascended, he explained to his disciples: “Thus it is written… Christ to suffer… rise from the dead… remission of sins should be preached… beginning at Jerusalem.”  (Luke 24:46,47). Jesus said it was prophesied that the gospel would originate in Jerusalem. Where is that prophecy?  Isaiah 2:1-4: “Out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem… they shall beat their swords into plowshares… neither shall they learn war any more.” That’s why the apostles had to wait for the Spirit in Jerusalem (Acts 1 & 2).

Notice that Isaiah also foretold that God’s new message would cause people to turn their backs on war. Jesus led the way when he told Pilate: “My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight” (John 18:36).

It is historical fact that from Christ to Constantine, most Christians did not join the Roman armies or even kill in self-defense. Jesus had given the radical message to not only love one’s neighbor but to love even one’s enemy (Matthew 5:43,44).

Yes, Mohammed is a false prophet; Islam is an enemy of Christ. But true Christians, as peacemakers (Matthew 5:9) will neither hate, harm, nor shun Arab Americans, nor say they should leave “our” country. True Christians do not seek revenge of any kind, but rather seek to convert all peoples to the law which issued from Jerusalem 2000 years ago–fulfilling Isaiah’s prophecy.